
World class is the beginning of everything. It holds entity systems, entities, and their components. To create new world you can simply create an instance of it:

val world = new World

World API

  • update(delta: Float): Unit

    Invokes processing the systems.

Entity Management

  • createEntity(components: Component*): Entity

    Creates an entity with given components.

  • destroyEntity(entity: Entity): Unit

    Destroys given entity. After destruction this entity identifier may be assigned to another entity during creation.

Component Management

  • addComponent(entity: Entity, component: Component): Unit

    Adds a component to entity.

  • removeComponent(entity: Entity, component: ComponentType): Unit

    Removes a component of given type from entity.

  • getComponent(entity: Entity, component: ComponentType): Option[Component]

    Returns a component of given type if the entity has one.

Entity Sets

  • getEntitySet(aspect: Aspect): EntitySet

    Returns EntitySet that has all the entities that have certain aspect (set of components). This set is automatically updated. When new entity with required components is created - it's added to this set. When some entity is removed (or it's component is removed and it no longer have required aspect) it's also removed from the set.


  • systems: Bag[EntitySystem]

    Returns immutable bag of entity systems registered for that world.

  • registerSystem(entitySystem: EntitySystem): Unit

    Registers new entity system in the world.