
Purpose of Systems

While components holds data for entities, systems do the work. Entity systems use Aspects to define the entities they want to know about. When the system is registered it's given an EntitySet object which always contains all entities matching required aspect. This set is automatically updated as the entities are created and destroyed.

Available Abstract Systems

By default Scalartemis has few entity systems that you can extend to get the behavior you need.


This is the most basic entity system. When extending it you'll have to overwrite the method:

def process(delta: Float): Unit

To get all entities that the system processes you need to invoke the entities property. It returns immutable Bag of entities.


This system processes your entities, well... sequentially. As it's abstract class extending it requires you to override the method:

def process(entity: Entity, delta: Float): Unit

On world update this method will be called for every entity that matches the aspect defined for this entity system.


This system has Aspect.none. This means that it's not going to process any entities. What's the use for this? If you need to do some work every time the world updates - this is the system you should extend.

Component Mapping

There is also a ComponentMapping helper trait. This trait requires your class to have the World object as a field/property. It gives you one convenient method to get the component for given entity:

class SomeSystem(val world: World)
extends SequentialProcessingSystem(Aspect.all)
with ComponentMapping {
  override def process(entity: Entity, delta: Float) =
    component[Position](entity) match {
      case Some(position) => // ...
      case None => // ...